Jobless Economy: The Future of the Workforce May Be Part-Time, Says Google CEO Larry Page

At Titan Vine we’ve been suggesting for many years that automation technology will inevitably mean less work for people. Done right this should be a good thing.

Larry Page absolutely nails it when he says “We have enough resources to provide for humanity. The idea that everyone needs to work frantically to meet people’s needs is just not true.” 

The only problem we now have to overcome is can we get there as a collective or will greed ruin it?

Future of Work - Jobless Economy

Article Summary

One of the most important tech overlords, Google CEO Larry Page, thinks most people want to work, but they’d be happy working less.

“Today humanity does dumb things like destroy the environment, in part because people work when they don’t have to.” Page contended.

So perhaps one solution would be to split up part-time work between people, as Page said Richard Branson is experimenting with in the UK.


Source: The Future of the Workforce May Be Part-Time, Says Google CEO Larry Page