Facebook Rooms could face privacy backlash

[1] Dubbed as “Rooms”, this standalone app is Facebook’s newest feature that allows Facebook users to converse with their special group of friends. [2] According to Facebook Australia, users...

Most Australian email servers offer encryption

[1] According to survey of mail exchanges by Facebook, Australia offers more secure, encrypted transmission of messages. [2] The survey was conducted by the Facebook’s mail integrity engineer Mich...

Government requesting for more Facebook data

[1] Governments across the globe, including Australia, are requesting for more user information from the social media giant Facebook. [2] There is a significant increase in the amount of data requeste...

An Australian geek’s Snapchat payday

Jeremy Liew, Australia’s representative for the 1988 International Math Olympiad, is staking $US500,000 on Snapchat. Snapchat is making big names in the social media world, even Facebook tried b...